Thursday, February 16, 2017

Asian Auschwitz
                When I was reading this article, I got sick to my stomach. I will never thought a person could do these things to another person and get away with it. The Anti-Epidemic Water Supply and Purification Bureau, also known as “unit 731”, ran by a man named Shiro Ishii has to be one of the most gross and inhumane camp I have ever read about.
                This organization was beyond inhumane. I believe that the Japanese were doing way worse things than the Nazis. The humans that were held there were known as “maruta” but they were more commonly called “logs” because people thought that Unit 731 was a lumber mill. The people or "logs" were treated horrible. I could never imagine how scary and painful it was for them. The torture that they got was beyond inhumane. Things like getting hung upside down to see how long it would take for them to choke and die or injecting them with diseases. They also did some experiments like exposing their lungs to 
phosgene gas just to see the effect it had on them.
                Prisoners would get taken to a room and a surgeon would dissect them piece by piece with only a scalpel, and they were all conscious and alive. They would finally die once they fully bled out or the dissector got to the heart. It said that when the prisoners were getting taken to a room they wouldn’t even fight it. They wouldn’t fight it because they were very aware that they had absolutely no chance at living. So they would let the worker strap them down without freaking out. They began to scream once the surgeon started to begin the dissection. They screamed and screamed but eventually it stopped. I could never want to feel the pain the prisoner felt or knowing that it’s the end of my life and there is nothing that I could do about it. How terrible would that be?
                Ishii and his men were doing their terrible experiments on all kinds of people. For example Chinese, Koreans, Soviets, Mongolians. The Japanese had plans to poison American cattle so they would become worthless and possible even kill thousands of American’s. They also had a plan to send a Kamikaze bomb to San Diego with lots of airplanes before the war was finished. Ishii and his men killed approximately 12,000 men, women, and children, and not one person from their facility got out alive. I am still having a hard time understanding how a person can murder 12,000 people and be able to gone the rest of his life without any punishment. I would have sentenced him to death or sentence him to feel the pain he put on all of his prisoners.
                This story made me sick to my stomach. 
I cant believe someone could have the heart to do that to other human beings. Everything that Ishii did was wrong and unforgivable, there was no reason for him to put a person in that much pain for just small results.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Muckrakers Article

This article was written by TPM.

This article is about three percent of Idaho accusing their group's president  of misspending nearly $3,000 in funds. The name of the president is Brandon Curtiss. The money he was accused of misspending was supposed to go to four people facing charges related to the alleged involvement in the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff. Some people were so aggravated that they left the militia group.

Here is a statement made by the three percent of made members in the militia group.

This statement was written to give facts to explain what happened with the money. Some of the facts in the document told us that the militia families in need. They have dedicated their time by putting funds on the prisoner's phones commissary or to help the family with expenses. It also said that the Vise President, Jonathan Casey, was the one who spent the money. They said he spent it on personal phone bills, groceries, and several unexplainable cash withdrawals.
They said that the bookkeeper would put out preliminary findings on September 26, 2016.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

1.   Who are the top three presidential candidate you are most like?
         John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, and Ted Cruz 

2.  What political party are you most likely to side with?

3.  What past presidents are you most likely to agree with?
         Dan Quayle, Gorge W Bush, and Dwight Eisenhower 
4. What political philosophy are you most likely to agree with?  Where on the spectrum did you fall?

          I am moderate and I am leaning towards conservative and populist.